3 Ways to Grow Your SMB with Social Media

November 24, 2016 | Sakshi Sharma

One of the best digital marketing tools available to any SMB is Social Media. Let’s face it, Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become a dominant feature of the lives of most U.S. Citizens (and much of the world in general).

These days, everyone and their brother seem to have a SM account of one kind or another. More importantly, the list of Social media sites doesn’t end at the big ones mentioned above. There are thousands of different sites built around social interactions of all sorts.

The point here is that for nearly every hobby, interest, job, or problem, there’s probably a SM website that focuses on it. This is why Social Media Marketing is an essential tool in the success of any enterprise, big or small. Because no matter what your business is, you can have a massive, targeted, and curated client base, ready to go.

While purchasing targeted client lists is an age-old tradition (there are even companies that specialize in doing just this), SM is generally free. You should consider hiring a Digital Marketing team, but identifying a few key Social Media sites is part of a the general services any good company offers.

But Social Media Marketing is an ongoing task, something you need to keep up with or you’re loose followers. Plus it’s hard to know which are tactics are effective and which are not. So, we thought we would discuss a few tricks or activities proven to be effective in creating a vibrant SM presence.

Choosing the Right Platforms

Twitter attracts Millennials and Startups. Instagram really targets Teens and College age people. Pinterest attracts designers, photographers and artistic people. Facebook is used by mostly everyone, but especially 30+ crowd.

These are not hard and fast rules (for instance, Visually oriented people also use Instagram at high rates) but it is important to be aware of what sites attract which people. This helps you know upon which platforms you should focus your attention. For instance, if your industry is one that is very visual, a tactical emphasis on Pinterest over Twitter would be advisable.

This should also be extended to choosing the right groups to join or people to follow. Identifying key influencers in your industry can lead to Improved access to your target market; Joining the groups most closely associated with your business introduces you to even more cultivated target groups.

Be Real, Be Social, and Be Relevant

Think about your own experiences on SM sites. What are the biggest turn offs? Most people find obnoxious, fake, and promotional content offputting. This means all that effort is not only wasted, but probably actively working against your own interests. Posting content on Social Media is an artform:

Be Real: You can’t lie but you shouldn’t be overly pushy. So be honest about your interest on any sites or groups you post, and make clear your biases. But feel free to talk about what you do, if it’s relevant to the conversation or general theme of the group.

Be Social: Don’t just post on your page, or introduce new posts. Comment on other conversations . This often turns into direct engagement with interested users (i.e. warm leads).

Be Relevant: Talk about what’s happening in your industry or in the world, or other big news that people are interested in.

Ideally, these three things work in tandem (which is why we put it all in one header ;)), because being real is a social thing that necessitates conversations on relevant topics. That being said, don’t be afraid to use tools like HootSuite to buffer posts.

You should still take 20 minutes a day to scope out and comment on trending topics, but if you only post from 11:30 to 11:50 everyday, many of your posts will get lost in the noise. Buffer tools help you post throughout the day without requiring you to manually do it yourself. Don’t be afraid to experiment with them.

Create and Curate

You should always repost interesting content. It not only is appreciated by the original poster (who often return the favor) but it let’s get an idea of your Business based off your feed or profile page. And if it can potentially introduce you to new customers or users.

That being said, you shouldn’t just become a reposter. You should be out there making new content, whether that’s showing off your designs on Pinterest, or writing industry relevant blogs, you should post it on your social media outlets. By creating things, you’re telling users that you’re an actual business, that you’re not a bot or some farm out in India. AND it tells people exactly what your business is about.

Don’t Go it Alone

Digital marketing is as complex as it is amorphous. There’s no reason you should have to go it on your lonesome Give us a call at 408.805.0495/408.621.8481 (or contact us online) to learn how SDI can use Social Media to grow your SMB.

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