Appdome: a solution to avoid mishaps

January 7, 2022 | Ananya S

Early Saturday morning, Robert downloaded a new gaming App on his Android phone and started playing. Soon he levelled up, and now it had asked for a credit or debit card to be able to get to the next tier. He made a small debit transaction, and now he was a Premium player.

Later that night, he noticed that his card had been charged multiple times, and to his horror, he realized his bank balance was almost drained. After exchanging multiple frantic emails with the App’s publisher, he was told that a third-party malware on his phone had siphoned off his financial information, and the publisher was helpless to recover the money. Out of sheer frustration, Robert wrote a scathing review in the App store and rated it with one star.

This is not an isolated incident. Malicious codes and bots attack and hijack personal and financial information of millions of App users without the users ever being aware of such thefts.

It is critical that App developers and coders incorporate strong preventive measures to counter the mounting online threats. Banking, e-commerce and other financial-based Apps are particularly susceptible to malware attacks, consequently compromising their data and security.

Being able to create a fast and seamless protective shield around their App can enhance the publishers’ reputation and keep their user base and monetary stream intact.

Appdome provides quick and effortless multi-level solutions to address and alleviate these mobile security concerns.

No-Code Security Platform

For the uninitiated, Appdome is a mobile App development platform that adds security to Android and IOS apps without the need for additional coding. Both IOS Apps and Android are ably supported.

Though many current startups and companies are creating a framework to support App security, Appdome has over a decade of development and security expertise and serviced hundreds of small to enterprise-level clients. They have developed a quick one-button solution to convert a vulnerable and hackable App into a hardened and malware proof one without the need for any coding or including an SDK (Software Development Kit).

Multi-Layered Services and Protection

Customers can choose and implement each discreet security feature, or bundle of features.

Appdome’s mobile application shielding or hardening solution ONEShield is a runtime application self-protection feature that prevents hackers from reverse engineering or tampering with the App. It blocks static and dynamic attacks and thwarts malicious code from debugging tools.

TOTALData encrypts the App, code and data using advanced App specific AES-256 encryption or FIPS 140-2 cryptography. This ensures that malware and breaches cannot access data, files or App resources.

Appdome prevents hacking and reverse engineering by using TOTALCode Obfuscation. This feature creates a protective layer of App code, binaries, classes, libraries, SDKs (Software Development Kits) and debugs information.

There’s another useful tool that protects mobile Apps from piracy and Trojans by preventing cloning and modifications. Apps that can be compromised are often released with malicious code and Trojans that not only change user experience but can also steal user data.

The Fraud Prevention Solution detects and blocks ransomwares, game cheat engines, speed attacks, hacking frameworks and malware bridges. Methods like code and script injections, function and method hooking, memory editing all contribute to the mobile Apps being compromised and taken over. This solution from Appdome preserves and maintains the integrity of the Apps.

Appdome’s Certified Secure offers verification to mobile App developers and publishers. All the builds and releases are protected by the security and mobile fraud prevention features. This certification at each stage of the build and release reduces code scans and ensures that the development process is always secured and protected.

How Does Appdome Work?

Over the years, Appdome has built a massive body of knowledge based on thousands of implementations across multitudes of Apps. This knowledge base is leveraged when a customer’s App is submitted to Appdome’s Build My App service. The AI-based engine scans and checks the development framework and maps the App’s structural and logical elements, its features and functions.

After performing a gap analysis between the App’s capabilities and the requested security services, it uses a pre-built and reusable micro-services architecture of thousands of security plugins to dynamically assemble and generate a new App binary using the adaptive code generation engine.

So, without any code or SDK changes, the new App now includes all the new security layers and functionalities. The Appdome technology automatically adds the relevant framework and logic to the App. As more Apps are processed and implemented, their knowledge base and functionalities are continuously enhanced, resulting in streamlining of processes and inclusion of new security vulnerabilities and threats.

The Future of Apps

As Apps continue to grow in size and complexities with enhanced functionalities and user experiences, keeping track of emerging and ever-changing threats becomes a resource-consuming and a costly chore for the App developing teams. Hackers, bots and malware are continuously enhancing and changing their modes of attack.

Leveraging third-party security services like those provided by Appdome can help the App coders, developers and publishers focused on their development and builds while keeping their Apps safe, secured and protected.

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