Guide: How to Make Your App a Rousing Success

December 10, 2016 | Sakshi Sharma

By the end of this year, Industry experts predict that global App Stores will be raking in about $52 billion about $10 billion more – or an increase of nearly 24%. What’s more is that by 2020, that number is expected to double. That’s over $100 billion in just app store sales. That doesn’t include specific app revenues.

But the news isn’t all good. Most SmartPhone users spend the vast majority of their time in 3-4 apps (about 90%, in fact). Right now, the biggest markets are Developed nations and those markets are intensively competitive, requiring unique marketing strategies. This doesn’t mean rule them out of course; it just points to the need for a lot of Disruptive, Innovative, and Creative thinking.

There are billions of existing AND potential App users out there – even more apps than there are people. Many of these apps are game changers, they’re apps that can revolutionize businesses and lives. They’re apps so beautifully designed and flawlessly coded that it’s enough to make a soul weep.

But they go unnoticed, languishing in the shadows. Why? Well, again, billions of apps. This biggest thing app owners let go by the wayside is marketing. Creating a marketing strategy is unique, but the end goal is simple enough: you want users.

Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of ways for app monetization:

• In-App purchases are extremely popular right now. If you’re planning on running your app business long term and are a consumer facing app, this is a must;

• Subscription models are particularly profitable, especially if you provided a business-to-business service;

• The ol’ standby of selling anonymized user data to retailers and marketers is always a favorite;

• Ad modules, another favorite of app owners worldwide, can generate a moderate revenue;

• Last but not least is to build an app specifically designed to sell. App exit strategies are a viable approach and can make you buckets of money.

But none of these options will make you money without users (and user engagement!). And to get users, you need to make sure your app has visibility. Of course that’s the trick, right? How does one go about boosting the online presence of their brand and App? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

There is one thing that is essential to a successful marketing strategy. The message. It needs to be clear, concise, accurate, and punchy. That’s a lot – and you need to do it quickly. Lets take a look at some strategies, and why they’re useful.

The Components of a Clear Message

1. Perfect Your Elevator Speech

To any of us who went to school for marketing or business, this is a saying with which we are familiar. Figure the essence of your service, the perfect way to describe it in 30 to 60 seconds (i.e. the length of an elevator ride). Doing this forces you to figure out the best Unique Selling Points (USPs) of your business.

2. Determining USPs

Knowing the USPs of your service allows you to tailor your market approach and determine your ideal user. Obviously, gaming apps aren’t going to go after plumbers (with the obvious exception); if plumbers happen to enjoy gaming and are interested in getting your app that’s great – but you still want to focus on marketing to gamers not plumbers.

You also need to narrow this down. Going back to the elevator speech and limited time to make your point, you need to focus on your service’s biggest benefits. Don’t focus on what you think is the coolest about your service. Please, please, please pay attention here; this is the spot where people stumble the most. I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve offered this advice to a client and watched them agree wholeheartedly.

Then they promptly turn around and craft a marketing message about some nerdy technical aspect of their product. TALK TO NORMAL PEOPLE! Show them your app, ask them what they liked and what they didn’t. This will help you narrow down what message is the most effective. Remember, it’s not about you. If you want to make money, check your ego at the door and listen to your clients.

3. Test Your Message

Data analytics are the backbone of modern business. This is no less true in Marketing. You may think you have the perfect message crafted and the people who you talked to loved it. But it could still fall flat. Or maybe a different message might have a wider Appeal

To further complicate matters, the same message can have different impacts on different platforms; in other words, what works on Facebook may not work on Pinterest. This is why testing is so important. It’s an easy step to use analytics, so why not do it? Not to beat a dead horse, but again you have a very short time to make an impact. Creating a perfect message that catches the right attention is vital to success.

Crafting the perfect message is important, but it is by far from the only thing you need to a successful marketing campaign. It’s like laying down the foundation of a new house: no one’s going to claim the house is finished when the foundation is done, but we all know that the house can’t stand without it!

So if you want to become the owner of a Platinum, money making app, give SDI a call at 408.805.0495/408.621.8481 – or click to contact us! We will work with you to create the perfect message and a campaign to spread the good news. First hour of consultation is on us!

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