How Businesses Are Winning

February 1, 2021 | Sakshi Sharma

While covid has affected several companies in a bad way, there are businesses which have not only survived but are also witnessing significant growth.

These businesses have adapted themselves to the changed circumstances and are offering services which are uniquely suited to the present situation. These include not only large businesses but also startups and small businesses.

A few of them are:

1. Fresh produce suppliers

Farmbox Direct is a subscription service which delivers fresh produce both fruits and vegetables. With customers increasingly preferring home-cooked food. Services such as Farmbox are seeing a huge boom in sales. Also, small businesses are the preferred choice since consumers are more comfortable dealing with them.

Being an online service has helped Farmbox to grow by leaps and bounds. Everyone staying at home and wanting their groceries delivered also helped with their increased success as well.

2. Garden Suppliers

People have started growing their own fruits and vegetables not only for health reasons but also for food security. Web-based companies such as Hudson Valley Seed Company have seen their business increase five-fold. According to the company, the demand has mainly come from new customers who have started gardening.

3. Coffee Subscription Companies

Companies that offer home delivery are seeing a serious increase in demand. Online subscription companies such as Yes Plz Coffee and Mistobox which offer beans monthly or weekly have seen increased sales. It’s not only roasted beans but pre-packaged cold brew is also becoming more popular amongst consumers.

If you’re considering a website or wanting to make changes to an existing one to help increase profits, you should get in touch with a reliable development company like SDI. SDI can develop a website within a couple of weeks that will allow you to sell more and in turn earn more profits.

4. Wineries

Along with coffee, online sales have increased for wineries too. For e.g. L. Mawby Winery, which sells wine online has seen its sales increase by 300%. The company has also got an online wine club which helps them create a solid customer base to get regular orders.

5. Internet Service Providers

Small ZIP-code based internet service providers have also seen a spike in business. More and more people started using the internet during quarantine, as most of them are working from home. Several providers had to recruit more people to meet the demand.

6. Team-building Companies

Teambuilding is a company that supports corporate team building activities. Their sales went down drastically due to the lockdown and other restrictions. To survive they started offering virtual team building activities. This helped not only to run the business but they started making huge profits. Going virtual helped them to tap markets all over the country. Another advantage of going remote is that it helped them recruit people from nonurban areas too.

7. Mental Health Providers

This year has been challenging for most of us. Incidents of depression and anxiety are unfortunately on the rise. This has increasingly led people to access the services of online health providers. Virtual therapy apps have become incredibly popular as they offer more comfort, privacy and are flexible. An app like TalkSpace has seen its sales increase by nearly 65%.

Digitalization and innovation have enabled these businesses to not only survive but also thrive. Businesses which have not opted to go online have found themselves unprepared and have suffered serious losses.

If you’re a small business owner, this is the perfect time to invest in technology. Many interactions that used to take place in-person will predominantly occur in a digital environment even after the pandemic is over. Having a robust digital presence is necessary to sell your services and products.

As local markets have shrunk, having a domain can showcase your products globally. Also, companies can reduce their overhead costs by operating virtually. Online sales also allow you to collect data and measure things like customer loyalty. Using this data you can fine-tune your marketing strategy and also improve your offerings.

We at SDI have created several interactive apps and attractive websites that have been quite successful in the market. Whether the business is small or big, our services have an excellent rating by our customers.

Whether you need an app or a website or both, now is the time to contact our experts who will guide you through the various services and options. We always create products with the highest quality and you can be confident of the best service at prices which fit into your budget. On average the cost for a custom website would be $3,000 to $5,000 and for a mobile app $6,000 to $8,000.

Helping businesses thrive has always been our passion. Why wait? Call us today at +1.408.621.8481 or email us at to begin a new chapter in your business.

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