How Tech Can Save The Agriculture Industry

May 22, 2021 | Sakshi Sharma

Technology has changed every industry across the globe. It has also reached the most traditional of them all, agriculture. Agriculture was a field largely unaffected by digitalization but things are changing fast. Farmers increasingly depend on information technology for many things. E-farming is a new phenomenon and it is here to stay.

The agriculture industry is ripe for change and there are a lot of opportunities for agriculture technology companies. Let’s go over how technology has led to an agricultural revolution and the positive impact this is having on farmers.

1. Online resources

The farmers now have unprecedented access to a wealth of valuable resources and information thanks to the proliferation of internet technology. The internet has innumerable production and planning tools to help them in their farming. Moreover, there are several forums where the farmer can exchange ideas, be involved in useful discussions, and seek support from groups.

2. Crop sensors

Sensors are being increasingly used by farmers to apply fertilizers in an effective manner. Optical sensors are able to see how much fertilizer a plant may need based on the amount of light reflected back to the sensor. They can be used to reduce environmental impact and conserve resources. Sensing technology helps in precision agriculture wherein the farmers can change their approaches based on environmental factors.

3. Ultrasounds for livestock

Ultrasounds are being increasingly used to discover the quality of meat found in an animal before it goes to the market. Also, testing of DNA can help identify animals with good pedigrees which can be used by the farmer to improve the quality of herds.

4. GPS

GPS is playing a huge role in agriculture development. In fact, the entry of GPS has taken agriculture technology to a much higher level. GPS provides precise location information at any point near or on the earth’s surface and this helps farmers to maximize their efficiency at that location. Tractors equipped with GPS technology are used to improve the placement of seeds thereby reducing costs and waste. GPS-guided drones are also being used to spray pesticides and for livestock monitoring.

5. Monitoring crop irrigation via smartphones

The advance of mobile technology has helped to farm in myriad ways. Farmers have access to several mobile apps that can help them monitor crop irrigation. They can control them through their smartphone without driving to each field. It is also possible to check the level of moisture present at certain depths in the soil.

6. Mobile technology

Mobile apps have been real game-changers. Using mobile apps farmers are able to collect information on their fields, get weather updates, and receive other relevant and updated data. From strategy formulation to tracking progress, farmers are in the driver’s seat thanks to these apps. They also help them to create farm maps, facilitate the use of drones and in general improve their productivity and efficiency.

7. Management systems

A farmer has to monitor crop conditions, plan properly, prioritize daily, work full time and attend to a lot of other tasks. A farm management system will make this process much simpler. A single app can help the farmer stick to the plans far more easily than in the past. This is particularly useful if you have a huge farm with a lot of employees. Using an app you can ensure that all the employees understand their short-term and long-term goals. This type of technology increases productivity greatly.


There are a lot of opportunities for agricultural tech companies. From monitoring technologies to data analytics the field is wide open for startups. Some technologies will need to be developed specifically for agriculture, while other technologies already developed for other areas could be adapted for agriculture such as AI and autonomous vehicles. You can also build farmer-to-consumer platforms which will help farmers connect directly to the consumers.

Building a digital agriculture platform to make the agricultural supply chain more efficient and transparent is another good idea and is definitely welcomed by consumers.

Exciting days are here for agricultural tech companies. If you would like to start one, we strongly suggest that you get in touch with our experts. SDI has the reputation of creating world-class mobile apps and we have the right one for your business needs. Whether you want an app for crop irrigation or a platform to connect farmers to consumers, we are here to help you. Our experts can go over all the options available so that you are able to make an informed decision.

For the right agricultural solutions call us today at +1.408.621.8481 or email us at

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